The Peatcutter's Royal Edition

home name: Sjors

d.o.b.: March 5, 2017

father: ch. Bardolynn's Hermes

mother: The Peatcutter's Black Rose


ED:  0/0

pennhip: 0.38/0.39

heart: normal (echo-doppler test)

weight: 63 kilo

height: 67 cm
my dog dna: MFE-clear, CMR1 clear, DM SOD1A clear, DPRA clear, MDR1 clear, Long hair-clear, red mask-clear

about Sjors:  He is a very special boy for us and is a son of our Blacky. He is beautiful, healthy,  very sweet and sometimes a bit crazy.  It is a real man.

Sjors is available as a stud dog. Frozen semen available.

His official hip and elbow results with photos are below the gallery.


 Bardolynn's Hermes  Kugel Red Rebellion of blazolynns  Kugel Barberic robt E Lee
 Kugel Brave Nancy Wake
 Boston Lady's Mustang Sally  Luvabull's Mr. Bean
 Boston Lady's Indian Girl
 The Peatcutter's Black Rose  Kublaikhan of the Bumble Barns  I am a Hero Du Monde D'Elias
 Gypsyrose of the Bumble Barns
 High Rollers Shake Ya Bum Bum  Digger del Paese
 Curio Perl iz Mira Antallis


Sjors his official hip and elbow results with the photos. X-rayed at 20 months of age. HD-C, ED-0.